David Lee – Agape Villages https://agapevillages.org Shaping Lives for a Lifetime Mon, 06 Apr 2020 18:13:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://agapevillages.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/cropped-agape-logo-ol-full-color-32x32.png David Lee – Agape Villages https://agapevillages.org 32 32 Examine Our Hearts https://agapevillages.org/examine-our-hearts/ Fri, 28 Sep 2018 04:18:11 +0000 http://agapevillages.org/?p=1062 Recently I have been having a few abnormalities with my heart. It has caused me to have less energy, some dizziness, and rapid heart beats. To help diagnose the best course of action to take, my doctor has ordered me to wear a heart monitor for a few weeks. It started me thinking about the “hearts” and motivations of people.

Sometimes when our hearts and minds aren’t functioning properly, our performance and actions are affected. Periodically we all need to examine our “hearts” to check to see if we are focusing too much on ourselves or if we are using our talents, time, and finances to help others.

If you would like to share the good things you’ve been blessed with, I just happen to know some disadvantaged little ones you could help. So, if your “heart monitor” is telling you to reach out more to others, call Agape today. You will feel so healthy if you do.

We Are Co-workers With God https://agapevillages.org/we-are-co-workers-with-god/ Sat, 07 Jul 2018 04:01:59 +0000 http://agapevillages.org/?p=879 Third John is a small book. In fact, it is the shortest book in the New Testament. As I was reading through this small book recently I read the apostle John’s comments concerning those who were working and supporting the work in the early church. In verse eight, John wrote, “Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth.” John reminds Gaius of the responsibility that Christians have in helping the work in the kingdom. He says it is something “we ought” to do. This verse speaks of an obligation to the kingdom’s work.

Another interesting observation from that verse is that when we support the work of the kingdom, we become “fellow workers” with others who are working. This same word is used thirteen times in the New Testament. An interesting use of the word is found in 1 Thessalonians 3:2 which reads, “and we sent Timothy, our brother and God’s co-worker in the gospel of Christ, to establish and exhort you in your faith.” The word is used here to describe Timothy as a “co- worker” of God. When Timothy was a worker in the kingdom, not only was he a “fellow worker” with Paul, but he was “God’s co-worker.”

As I consider 3 John 8, and 1 Thessalonians 3:2, I am reminded of why it is such a blessing to support Agape Villages. When we support a work in the kingdom such as this, we are: 1) fellow workers with other Christians, and 2) co-workers with God! What an amazing thought that I can be a co-worker with God. What an honor it surely is for each of us to be able to say that we are working alongside God in His kingdom, for His glory. Amen!

Lessons From Bonanza https://agapevillages.org/lessons-from-bonanza/ Fri, 16 Mar 2018 05:50:09 +0000 http://agapevillages.org/?p=814 I recently watched a “Bonanza“ rerun about two young boys who had been abandoned by their parents. The younger brother did not speak because of the heartbreak he had been through. The older brother (about 10) was very protective of his younger brother and tried to take the place of his missing parents. A young couple wanted to adopt them, but finding the younger brother unable to talk, decided to only adopt the older brother. When the boys learned of their possible separation, they ran away. A lonely old gentleman who had lost his wife, befriended the boys and gave them unconditional love. His example convinced the young couple to adopt both boys and give them a caring home.

There is no such thing as a throwaway kid. Every child deserves a chance to reach his potential in life. Agape Villages is there to provide these children with a happy, normal life. What can you do to help? Please consider donating time in volunteer service with Agape, prayers for the success of the mission of Agape, or a financial gift to assist in this good work. You’ll feel like you hit a bonanza! I know!
