Uncategorized – Agape Villages https://agapevillages.org Shaping Lives for a Lifetime Tue, 16 Nov 2021 23:05:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://agapevillages.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/cropped-agape-logo-ol-full-color-32x32.png Uncategorized – Agape Villages https://agapevillages.org 32 32 17th Annual FFFK Golf Tournament https://agapevillages.org/17th-annual-fffk-golf-tournament/ Mon, 15 Nov 2021 21:27:21 +0000 http://agapevillages.org/?p=5127 We had another successful Fairways For Foster Kids Golf Tournament at the Manteca Golf Course. This was our 17th year! We had 3 tournaments over 3 Fridays in October. The golfers (over 150 of them!) enjoyed time before the tournament at the driving range, games, prizes, a raffle, silent auction & grilled hot dog lunch. We are so thankful for the sponsors and all the donated items, so we could use the proceeds to benefit all the kids in foster care that we support. We raised over $40,000!

Thanks so much specifically to Teeples Plumbing & USGA, Inc. for being tournament sponsors, All Bay Area Glass and Manteca Trailer & Motorhome LLC. for being our dinner sponsors, and USGA, Inc for also being our shirt sponsor. We also received many donated items, from Golf tees, bottle openers, to gift baskets and shirts and hats.

Agape Villages COVID-19 Response https://agapevillages.org/agape-villages-covid-19-response/ Sat, 11 Apr 2020 06:25:57 +0000 http://agapevillages.org/?p=2022 We hope that all of you are well. That you are safely sheltering in place at home. And that this will soon pass for all of us.

We want to keep you updated about the children, families, and staff at Agape Villages Foster Family Agency. We know you care about us and we care about you.

All of us at Agape are of course following the rules provided by the Government. We also immediately created a plan to ensure that our children and families are receiving the support and assistance they need.

Our social workers are able to continue their weekly “visits” with their families and children using their cell phones. Using that technology (FaceTime), they can talk and see each other. Through this means, our social workers are able to check in and provide support and reassurance.

The social workers are reminding the children to utilize healthy coping skills, such as deep breathing, journaling, and taking walks with their family. In addition, the social workers are supporting the parents, and reminding them to ensure that the children remain on a schedule as if they were still  in school (i.e. wake up at 7:30 and have breakfast, school work, break for 10 minutes, return to school work, lunch, school work until approximately 3 to 4 pm).

The families are also encouraged to cook and bake with the children, do puzzles, play board games, go for walks, color together, and teach the children a new craft or skill.

The Agape team continues to have our cell phones on 24/7 in the event our children or families need us. We encourage our families and children to remain positive while reminding them that this will pass.

Agape continues to be there for our children and families, as we have been there for more than 61 years.

For the children,
Janet Kleyn, President

Friday FAQ’s: What support does Agape Villages offer? https://agapevillages.org/friday-faqs-what-support-does-agape-villages-offer/ Fri, 20 Oct 2017 03:52:00 +0000 http://agapevillages.org/?p=634 Making the decision to foster or adopt is a process. There are a lot of questions to be asked, and concerns to be addressed. At Agape Villages, we understand your need to ask questions, be heard, and feel supported. This blog series, Friday FAQ’s, is just one more way that we are trying to make it easier for prospective families to learn about fostering and what to expect.

A common question people ask is why they should choose Agape Villages, i.e., what makes us different? What can we offer? What support do we provide?

Agape’s support for families begins the moment you start the application process. Our staff will walk you through each step and provide personal, one-on-one follow-up as needed. 

Once you are certified and have a child placed with you, the support continues through a number of services and programs:

  • Weekly in-home visits by an Agape social worker
  • Monthly Foster Parent/Resource Family support group meetings
  • Specialized trainings based on the individual child placed in your home (if needed)
  • Clothing Closets which offer a broad selection of items including clothes, toys, strollers, and other supplies (thank you to Sleep Train/Mattress Firm and other generous donors for stocking our closets!)

Additionally, Agape prioritizes our children and we strive to ensure that they get to experience childhood as it should be – a time of fun, learning, nurturing, and enrichment. Agape Villages offers several unique programs for our children. Our Enrichment Program offers families reimbursement (up to $50 per month) for various extracurricular activities for our foster kids. Often, foster children are left out of things like team sports, music lessons, and other opportunities simply due to lack of funding. We do not want our kids to miss those opportunities.

For girls ages 9-21, we offer our Teen Girls Group, a support group that meets bi-monthly and engages our pre-adolescent and teen girls in a variety of activities. It provides a safe space for the girls and lets them connect with others who have gone through similar experiences.

Our Transitional Living Skills program is a semester-long curriculum for teens 15-21 designed to prepare them for independent living after leaving foster care. We cover essential knowledge including interview skills, financial literacy, college applications and financial aid, and more.

Finally, to help cultivate a sense of community and fellowship, we offer two annual events for all foster families and their children. One is the Annual Family Picnic at the beginning of summer, which includes food, entertainment, and music. The other is the Annual Christmas Party which includes games, food, and presents for every child.

This post is merely a brief summary of the support Agape Villages provides, but we hope it gives you some insight as to what you can expect as a foster family with our organization. We strive to provide the very best programs and services to both our families and our children, with the ultimate goal of having every child in a safe, loving and stable home. Please contact us if you would like to learn more, at 800-566-2225.
