
Ally was only 5 when she entered foster care for the first time. She was able to reunify with her parents after her first placement, but things only got worse for her when she went back home. Beatings were more intense than before. She was locked in her room, starved, never being able to play outside. This is not the life a child should have. School was a place Ally loved to be, it was the only safe place for her, a place where she could distract herself from the reality of what was going on at home. Ally got good grades in school despite all the abuse she was experiencing. Her parents would pull her from school as a punishment, taking away her only sense of safety.

Thankfully Ally was removed from her home a second time at age 14 and she was placed with Betty, one of Agape’s resource (foster) families. Betty took Ally in as her own and gave her the love and care she deserved. She was able to process what she had gone through in her past and focus on her goals for the future.

Ally is now an incredible young woman who has graduated college from Cal Poly with a 3.5 GPA!! She made the Dean’s list, has applied to the Peace Corp and is looking into a Master’s program in International Apparel Management. She has a love for learning and is excited to see where her passion will take her. Not only is she a kind and caring person, but she has overcome so many obstacles and is thriving.

This is the kind of story we love and are proud to tell you about! We know Ally is going to make a big impact in the world. She already has, and a big part of that is the love and care she had from her foster, now forever, family. However the costs to help kids like Ally are high and we cannot do what we do without YOUR financial support!

It is because of donors like you that stories like Ally’s are possible!

Ally recently said, “I was able to have great social workers from the start with Agape Villages because of the advocacy I got while in care. In Agape Villages I was able to have a great foster home where I was able to find my forever home. Through the staff members and resources I was able to get the guidance I needed. They always made sure I was well taken care of. The social workers and foster parents work very closely to make sure they are both advocating for the child.”

This is what YOU make possible!

Watch Ally’s Video

A Former Child In Foster Care Through Agape

Ally speaking at Spring in the Valley, an annual dinner hosted by Agape Villages.

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